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Warning: These videos discuss and illustrate graphic scenes that may upset some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.


Intended Audience: This video training series is applicable to all healthcare administrators and staff.


In an active assailant situation, it is often impossible to immediately evacuate everyone from a building, especially in healthcare environments where clients and patients are immobilized.


In this new active assailant training you will

  • Learn how to tackle tough scenarios involving ICU, Long Term Care, and Dialysis patients who cannot be left alone.
  • Learn best practices to bolster your recovery plans after the assailant has been neutralized.


These new training videos were developed in partnership with the public health department, healthcare administration, healthcare emergency managers, law enforcement, and numerous other skilled experts.


This set contains five videos: The original “Active Shooter in a Healthcare Setting Training Video;” the updated “Active Assailant Training for Healthcare Settings Training Video;” “Scenario 1: Hospitals;” “Scenario 2: Long Term Care Facilities;” and “Scenario 3: Outpatient Care Facilities.”


You receive:

  • A thumb drive containing the five videos that are licensed and watermarked to your organization;

  • Unlimited use within your organization including ability to upload to your learning management system(s). NOTE: distribution of video(s) outside of your organization and/or posting to social media is prohibited.

  • MESH owns the copyright of the Active Assailant Training for Healthcare Settings videos and is selling only a license to view the videos, which are provided on a thumb drive. MESH grants you, the end user, a non-transferrable and non-assignable license to view the Active Assailant Training for Healthcare Settings videos . The videos are provided under license solely for use by end users, individually, or the organization for which it is licensed, and may not be distributed, shared, performed, modified, broadcast, reproduced, sold or otherwise provided to third parties. The copyright notice shall not be removed from the thumb drive.

Active Assailant Training for Healthcare Settings - Video Set


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