Mass Shootings Information

In the United States, mass shootings have become the most common type of mass casualties. In the past 10 years, there have been 87 mass shootings. A mass shooting can be defined as a shooting in a public place, a motive to shoot, or taking the lives of at least three individuals. According to the records, in the past 10 years, over half (57%) of all recorded mass shootings have occurred. In 2017, there were 11 mass shootings which rank the highest among all other recorded years. 

Mass shooting have occurred at concerts, movies, schools, bars, workplace, or restaurants. Mass shootings can cause a great deal of stress to first responders, survivors, those in the vicinity, families, friends, or those who heard about the event. Events of this magnitude can lead individuals to avoid the area where the event occurred, develop other forms of trauma, or could lead to an individual developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is usually developed after a traumatic event. Today, 8% of American suffer from PTSD. Symptoms can range from nightmares, flashbacks, or emotional numbness. Additionally, those who survived could experience survivors’ guilt.

Trauma and symptoms can differ depending on the arrival on scene or exposure to the event as a whole. According to the American Psychological Association, managing your distress after a mass shooting can be challenging. They suggest honoring your feelings, talking about it, be sure to take breaks when needed, taking care of yourself, and strive for a balance in the outlook of the event.


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